Right Now Media

Temple Baptist Church has a gift for you. You are receiving free access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 20,000 video Bible studies, over 2,000 kids videos, leadership training, and more. 

To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study videos. You will have FREE access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage, discipleship and more.

It includes content for all ages and stages of life, and everyone is invited to set up their own accounts.


Access RightNow Media

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get registered?

Membership to RightNow Media is available FREE to you. Simply text TBCLIFE to 49775 or click here.

What will my account include?

Your account will be associated with Temple Baptist Church and you will enjoy all of the resources and benefits of our subscription with this service.

Where do I login?

Once you have registered with the RightNow Media site, you can login on their website at rightnow.org/Account/Login.

How do I watch on my tv, computer or mobile device?

Your entire Bible study library can be viewed instantly from any computer or mobile device. If you are streaming a video in a group setting, then getting the video signal to your TV or projector is a snap. Visit rightnowmedia.org for video tutorials on how to connect via these devices.

Need more information?  Please contact Jessica Engle at   

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Participants agree to the terms of use and privacy policy of RightNow media as published on rightnowmedia.org