65+: Encouragers

Time | Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am

Start Date | 02/05/2023

Location | 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Childcare | Yes

Room: WC111
Group Size:
Large (average: 25-50 people)
Teaching method:
lecture with some discussion
Joe Fairchild
Suzanne Daughtry
Current Study:
LifeWay--Bible Studies for Life--Staying True in a World Far from God, Confident in the Face of Hard Questions
Group Activities:
care groups, meals together, serving together, other various activities
Verse: "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." -1 Thessalonians 5:11
Vision: The Encouragers strive to be a growing fellowship centered around the study of God's Word. Our goals are to mature as Christians, to encourage one another and to be salt and light to the world.

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