

Small Groups

*NEW GROUP: 20-30s: Journey

Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: B222
Ages: 20-30s, singles & couples
Group Size: Medium (average: 15-25 people)
Teaching method: mixture of lecture, discussion, small group discussion
Chase Tramel, Brad Hodges
Director: Brad & Raegan Hodges
Current Study: Explore the Bible
Group Activities: Discipleship groups, care groups, meals together, serving together
Group Vision: There are many stages of life that can be new in the 20-30s journey of life. We want to be a group that journeys through those stages together, helping each other and others along the way. Whether it is finishing school, a new career, adulting, getting married, or becoming a parent--God works through relationships and His Word to teach us, give us understanding, direct us in the right path, turn our hearts & eyes away from worthless things, and preserve our lives (Psalm 119:33-40).
Group Verse: God tells us to obey Him and His Word: not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. He encourages us to study the Bible and meditate on it day and night... Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged., for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. --Joshua 1:6-9

Group Details

*NEW GROUP: 30+: Locking Arms (men)

Sunday, 10:30am - 11:45am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: B211
Ages: 30+, men
Group Size: Small (average: <15 people)
Teaching method: discussion
Teachers: Larry Fisher
Current Study: LifeWay - Bible Studies for Life
Group Activities: Discipleship groups, serving together, other fellowships
Group Vision:Discovering & honing together our talents & gifts to us in God's service

Group Details

Sessions 1-2: Re|engage

Wednesday, 6:00pm - 7:15pm 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Leaders: Brad & Raegan Hodges
Room: WC232

Re|engage offers hope to marriages by helping couples move towards oneness through 3 areas:
-As a couple: 20 minutes a week of studying the material with your spouse
-Large Group: 20-minute marriage story from a couple in our church
-Small Group: 60 minutes of discussion in your assigned group of 4-6 couples with a facilitator couple
On a scale of 1 to 10, whether a marriage is a 9 or a 1, Re|engage is a safe place for couples of any season to reconnect. Learn more at


Group Details

20s: T.E.A.M.-The Engaged and Married Class

Sunday, 9:00am - 10:15am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: B254
20-30s, couples
Group Size:
Large (average: 25-40 people)
Teaching method:
Dallas & Keeley Smith
Scott & Christy McMurrian
Current Study:
Group Activities:
Discipleship groups, meals together every other week, other social gatherings
Group Vision: As this is a group for engaged couples and newlyweds, it's a chance to seek wisdom and receive counsel about marriage in a safe, fun, and authentic environment along with other like couples. Everything we study will address common questions and challenges about marriage from a biblical perspective.

Group Details

20s: Crossover (singles/dating)

Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: B252
20s, singles/dating
Group Size:
Medium (average: 15-25 people)
Teaching method: mixture of lecture, discussion, and small group discussion
Teachers: Jana Britt, Chase Dowdy, Haley Williams, Nathan Jones
Jana Britt
Current Study: Christ Centered Exposition
Group Activities:
meals together (quarterly), serving together, other various activities

Group Details

30-40s: Holy Ground

Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am

Room: Aerobics room
30-40s, mostly couples with children in preschool-middle school
Group Size:
Extra Large (average: 50+ people)
Teaching method:
mixture of lecture, discussion, small group discussion
Teacher: Phil Hanberry
Wanda Province
Current Study:
LifeWay--Bible Studies for Life
Group Activities:
meals together (quarterly), partner with the Cancer Center to provide snacks for patients

Group Details

Open Age: 4Friends Adults (adults w/ special needs)

Sunday, 9:00am - 11:30am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: C223

Leader: Sandi Fisher

Group Details

50+: Diving Deep

Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am 5220 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg MS 39402

Room: WC228
50+, couples & singles
Group Size:
Medium (average: 15-25 people)
Teaching method:
mixture of lecture & discussion
Margaret Howton, Paul Autry, Julie Pickering, Traci Massey, Jerry Perry, Barbara Hahn
Margaret Howton, Michelle Autry, Barbara Hahn
Current Study:
Group Activities:
meals together, serving together
Group Description: We are a Bible study class in which every member is invited to contribute to the discussion. We are digging deep into God's word, exploring the relevance of it for today, applying it to our daily lives, inviting the Holy Spirit to change us.
Ministry Partners: The Field House, Scott Norris + family in Canada

Group Details