60+: OWLS
Older Wiser Loving Servants
Room: WC214
Ages: 60+, mixture of singles & couples
Group Size: Large (average: 50+ people)
Teaching method: lecture
Teachers: Frank Gillian, Baron Thames, Danny Drake
Director: Danny Green, David Morris
Current Study: LifeWay--Explore the Bible--Mark
Group Activities: discipleship groups, care groups, meals together, serving together
Ministry Partners: Edwards Street, RISE, Christian Services
Group Verse: For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as you servants for Jesus' sake. -2 Corinthians 4:5
Group Description: This seasoned class of adults are committed to studying God's Word together. Our focus is on applying God's teachings to our lives as we grow God's kingdom, experiencing spiritual growth in our personal lives and relationships and serving the body of Christ through fellowship with all. If you enjoy good Bible study and being with a caring group of Christian friends, who love the Lord and each other, we have a place for you.