December 4, 2019 4:45pm
Address: Temple Baptist Church | Hattiesburg, MS, 5220 Old Hwy 11, Hattiesburg, MS US 39402
Contact: Jessica EngleJessica Engle | 601-450-3050
4:45 - 6:00pm
- $5 Adults, $2.50 Kids, $20 max per family
- Menu:
- Chicken Pot Pie, Sweet Peas, Roll, and Lemon Bars
- Salad: Chef Salad
- Pizza & a Cookie
Adult Equipping Classes
6:00 - 7:00pm
Choose from over 40 equipping classes focused on particular stages of life, crisis, or biblical training. You can pre-register for classes by visiting the Group Finder and clicking "register" under the class you would like to attend.
Wednesday Night Fall 2019 Schedule
Session 1: August 21 - October 9
Session 2: October 16 - December 11
**Books for classes can be purchased online through the Group Finder and picked up in Class.
6:00 - 7:15pm
Childcare is available for children 8 weeks through 1 year old. Children should be dropped off at the preschool.
Preschool and Children
6:00 - 7:15pm
- AWANA: 2-year-olds through 3rd graders: Preschool and Children Buildings
- Quest: 4th through 6th graders: Children's Theater
6:00 - 7:30pm
7th through 12th-grade students meet in the Refuge for worship and biblical teaching.
Worship Ministry Activities
- 5:15-6:00pm
- Joyful Praise: 4th-6th graders WC220 (meets designated Wednesdays, not every week)
- 6:00-
7:30pm (Awana) - Creation Station Praise: 4 & 5-year-olds
- Praise Kids: 1st through 3rd graders
- 6:00-7:00pm
- Celebration Orchestra: WC122
- 7:00-8:00pm
- Celebration Choir: WC220 Choir Suite. (childcare for 8 weeks -6th grade)
- Adult Groups (Auditioned):
- Praise Team
6:00pm - Worship Team
- Praise Team